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This section contains questions of potential users (interested in joining Warden), together with questions from already connected organizations. If you haven't find answer for your question here, please, Contact the project team. We will try to answer all the question and put them on this page.

Joining the organization into Warden

Who can join?

Any institution from CESNET network. Outside organisation are also welcome, however Contact us please for exact rules.

What conditions we have to obey?

Please, see Cooperation page.

What can we do with the data?

Typically data are used for identifying the machines from your own network, showing nonstandard behaviour, incorporating the rules of your firewalls or for research activities. For the more detailed information please Contact us.

Installation and operation of the clients

How safe are the data?

On the technical side the communication data between server and clients are protected by SSL. Important factor of security is that only sound and verified organizations are allowed to join Warden.

Where can we find an advice with client configuration?

If your in the dead end with installation/configuration, contact us.

Do we have to deal with the data ourselves?

Yes. We provide you with the client library and further processing is completely on you. Some community provided scripts from “contrib” package might help you.

Installation and operation of server

Can we install and run our own Warden server?

Sure. For actual server version see Downloads page. However, Warden system is above all about data, so please, consider joining ours.

Warden system development

Can we join the development?

We welcome people with a new ideas. If you for example have created, or are planning to create, useful client, which could be helpful for community, Contact us.

Last modified:: 24.09.2015 13:32