

You can receive and send the data by using the following means:

Client library and other supporting scripts are available at Downloads.


Choose the client name - it starts with the organisation domain name in reverse order. You can use the reversed DNS name of the machine, supplemented by the name of the application or the sensor. However, it is not wise to derive the name tail from the DNS for some detectors, namely honeypots, because it could spoil the honeypot location. For bigger organisations we recommend adding the name of the particular department (cz.organisation.ict.probe1) or other logical structure (cz.organisation.detectors.probe1). The name can contain only letters, digits, underscores and dots and must not start by digit.

Send following data to the contact address by signed email (preferably by TCS personal certificate):

After successful registration (administrators may request additional information) the encrypted email with initial certificate generation token will be sent to you.


Apply for the certificate by running:

./ "" token

(Script is available at downloads page.)

The files key.pem and cert.pem will appear in the current directory (along with csr.pem, which is not necessary anymore, but you can save it for potential debugging).

Edit the configuration file - you can use following example:

    "url": "",
    "certfile": "cert.pem",
    "keyfile": "key.pem",
    "filelog": {"level": "debug"},
    "name": ""

“url” may contain, or production server, it depends on agreement on the way of running-up and testing period with Warden server administrators .

In the case you use warden_filer, aforementioned configuration can be part of its configuration file.
